
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
How to Create Your Own Financial Plan with Paul Clitheroe – Part 1
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
Most Australians know that a good financial plan will set them up for the life they dream of, but are nervous about seeking advice from a financial planner. Renowned finance expert Paul Clitheroe, Chair of InvestSmart and the Government’s Financial Literacy Board, is passionate about helping all Australians reach their financial goals – the smart way.
In part one of this two part series, Paul outlines the critical steps to ensuring your own financial success, and answers your questions:
- Do you really need a financial plan?
- How to get value for money if you choose to see a financial planner
- How to become financially free
- Why he hates the term ‘retirement’
- Why budgeting always fails, and what you should do instead
- How to complete your own financial stocktake
- The savings strategy he and his wife have used for 40 years… and much more.
Please enjoy this podcast with Paul Clitheroe, and join us for part 2 next week.
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